
Wednesday, January 14, 2009


name of society: society for prevention and cruelty to animals.

SPCA in short.

The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Singapore (in association with RSPCA U.K.) is a registered charity that depends on donations from the public. No government grant is received. The Society’s prime objectives are to promote kindness to animals and prevent cruelty. The SPCA does this through the investigation of cruelty cases; and aims to promote kindness to animals and responsible pet ownership by educating the general public.

The SPCA is the only shelter in Singapore that does not have selective intake – i.e., it accepts all animals that are brought in. This means the SPCA receives about 800 animals each month, or an average of 27 animals a day. Up to 400 are unwanted or abandoned pets. The remaining animals are strays, many of which are sick, injured and/or newborn.

I have been their member since i was young. Being a member could help them as the membership fees goes to the animals and my relatives donates every year.Whenever i go to visit the animals, i will donate money to them.

I think they need more shelters for animals. Their shelters for animals look so rundown.
They need more attraction for people to come and visit and adopt some of the animals.


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